“AfterLife?” An installation by Lost Akuma, continues the monochromatic exploration into the psyche and bringing it to the darkroom. With using the photogram process Lost Akuma was able to recreate the stark contrast seen throughout other works. Having over 70 darkroom prints combined using Ilford RC paper the artwork captures the visualization of the character coming to a conclusion of almost like there’s no difference between good and evil. Using a photo process to complete this work is very important because in photography or in this case photograms, you have to quite literally deal with “light”which adds to this underlying theme of “light & “dark” or “good” & “evil. In a comic strip like presentation in the form of a quadriptych, Act 1 is the character in hell and Act 2 is the character in heaven with both environments containing ominous, obscure faces and flames. The different acts are framed separately. In classic DIY fashion any imperfections that occurred in the development process were kept. Both acts are “16 X 24”, both main pieces are 40” X 30”.